Sunday 27 March 2016

David's Empire REBORN!!!

Hello guys... Comeback is real? hahaha.... yup I haven't been Blogging for a long time...3 years Exactly. ;")...

OK, after 3 years not "Blogging"... hmm ok billingual language aja ya haha...Now ntah lah w lagi mood blogging lagi, mungkin buat sebagai catatan kisah saat w "besar" nanti kali ya hahaha #asek...yah biar nanti bisa lah read postingan gue dari dulu sampai nanti hahaha....

By the way, 3 tahun gue gak ngepost apa2 di blog ini..Busy? Not really....Actually, No mood for blogging  hahah..yah sebelum "Reborn" blog w berwarna merah marun dengan banyak emblem2 that made this blog crowded ~___~"...Nowadays blog gue cukup terlihat simple dengan a new interface, no emblems which make this blog too crowded and then I chose white background so it'll look nice when u see my blog! don't u? hahaha....apa lagi ya....

Hmm o iya gue sekarang masuk semester 4 jurusan S1 Computer Science at University of Lampung......Kok jauh amat ke lampung? gak juga soalnya banyak saudara juga di sini... dan yah dapetnya disini hahaha... "Pusing gak sih masuk jurusan Ilmu Komputer/Teknik Informatika/Computer Science or etc".Confused? Yes... Hard? "Maybe" but it's so interesting..u can explore ur "pashion" whatever it is...U like Blogging? Reading? Coding? Designing Poster,web, or structure? Making Movie? or making something...hmm yeah up to you... In this degree, you are capable of mixing fantastic and realistic elements ;3...By the way I am “Lecturer’s Assistant” atau biasa orang sebut asisten dosen #ciee hahaha
*Any Questions? just write it on comment tab ;")

Mungkin segini dulu "kata pegantar"nya hahaha....Hmmm blog gue ini masih "Under Construction" maybe bakal ada beberapa penambahan "features"....Can u give me advise? haha...See you on next posting...bye.. ;3